Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Martha Stewart Momma

So, most of the day was spent huddled under the covers with my 3 bambinos because it was raining off and on and when it was on, it was on. But later in the afternoon, I got motivated to work on a couple of projects that I have been putting off.

First, my daughter and I finished the seashell frame that we were going to make for my dad for Father's Day. The only tools we needed were a 5x7 frame, a glue gun, the picture, and seashells that we picked at the beach this past weekend. This was the perfect project for a preschooler and I only had to pay for the cost of the frame ($2.99 at Target) as we had everything else. It's a cheap but sentimental gift. (Don't worry, I'm sending a few other odds and ends for him as well because he's worth it. Hehe). I worked the glue gun while my daughter placed the seashells and this is what we came out with. :D

The other project I decided to put together is a "chandelier" that I've been meaning to do for my boys' room. For my middle child's 1st birthday, we threw a party with a rock 'n roll theme. One of the activities that the children took part in was decorating some CDs with stickers (they were all so young after all). Since we were left with a few of the masterpieces at the end of the day, I thought it might be fun to use them as decoration in his room. So I bought a round lampshade and used clear nylon beading string to hang the CDs from the lampshade to make a chandelier that I hung in the middle of their room.

These were simple and didn't take more than about 15 minutes each. Fun to do with my young kids. :) Hope you stayed dry if it was raining wherever in the world you are. :)

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