Friday, June 1, 2012

From Me to You...

Hello All!

I would like to introduce myself to the blogosphere here on my new blog for moms! I am a mother of three – I have a 5-year-old, a 19-month-old and a 3-month-old. I am also a US Navy wife to a wonderful submariner that I am extremely proud of. My husband is supportive of all my crazy ideas, is my best friend, and the love of my life. We’ve been together for 6 ½ years and married for 4.

I love my munchkins with every fiber of my being and being a mommy defines a good portion of who I am. However, in order to maintain a balance in my life, there are other dimensions of myself that need to be kept alive. In order to preserve some sanity, there is a certain amount of outside adult interaction a mommy needs, especially if she is a stay-at-home mom like myself. Sounds kind of like a child needing to socialize at school or on play dates. :D

Anyway, this site will cater to that need to be a part of society from the comfort of my own home where I can keep a close eye on my young children. High Chairs/High Heels will serve as a creative outlet to all moms out there interested in sharing about their interests and passions relevant to being a mom as well as a woman, sharing advice on all things mommy-related and discussing significant topics in the media that may concern moms (kind of like the Times magazine article on attachment parenting, but we won’t get into anything that deep right here and now…let’s become closer friends first).

Now, let’s get off on the right foot here…I think a slightly more formal introduction is in order. My name is Stephanie. I am originally from Hawaii, but have been living here in New England for almost 2 years. I have an entrepreneurial spirit as I own a photography business, Happy Child Images, and a Mary Kay cosmetic business (I'd love to be your personal beauty consultant). I love photography, makeup, fashion, arts and crafts, and food!

Those are the types of things we will likely be discussing here. Now that you know a little bit about me and what High Chairs/High Heels is all about, I hope you come back for a visit very soon.

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