Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's in the Mirror

This is a boring one, but I thought I'd put it out there anyway. After 3 kids I dont expect to look the same as I did before they were even thought of...ok, I'm a woman so of course they were thought of...but you know what I mean. Anyway, my husband has been on a health kick. I was right there with him for a while. And when I say right there with him I mean in spirit for the first couple of weeks and then I actually even worked out with him...that lasted a whole week! Haha.  But somehow at some point I fell off the wagon and now here I am.

I suppose I'm not the only one which is why America has the problems it does. So why is it that our society puts so much pressure on everyone to look their best yet motivation is fleeting and will power, in my case, is nonexistent. I look in the mirror and wish the excess away as if I have melt away vision. How do people do it? I'm not exactly comfortable with my reflection (though I try my best to maintain fabulosity because moms deserve it, too) but it doesn't seem like enough to get my butt moving. *shrug*

Anyway, on another note, I have such a long list of projects I want to do, but not enough time to do it!!! Ahh...stay posted for what's to come!

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