Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Save the Knees!!!

Man, I think it's been a while. Well, I'm here now and that's what matters, right? Hope you missed me. Lol. Anyway, tonight I'm posting about another DIY craft I did. My youngest is almost 10 months young and well, he's on the move...and fast. I don't know how this happened. One minute he was idle and cried every time he wanted to move. He didn't like being on his belly for very long...he even refused to roll over from his back onto his belly, but had no problem going the other way around. I know, I know. Every mother says that time flies and kids grow up too fast. But seriously...I don't know how this happened. And as if this wasn't bad enough, he's sprouted 4 teeth. What the what? I am not happy about this. And quite frankly, neither are his knees. They were starting to get red and full of scratches. :( Therefore, all of this recent activity has sparked a craft project!!

Sure, you can purchase knee bads online or what have you...but really, why bother when this stage is only going to last a few mere months? So, I got to thinking and researching online for DIY knee pads. I didn't care for much of what I saw online, so I decided to take a few different ideas and a couple of my own and put together my own little thing. It was rather simple. All it requires is a pair of old tube socks, reusable nursing pads (just in case you find the need to wash them you don't want to use disposable pads), fabric scraps, needle and thread. I kindly asked the hubby for a pair of old socks (he would only give a pair of plain ol' white ones...not the cute stripedy ones) and since I recently finished nursing, I collected a pair of my old reusable boobie pads. And I have some scrap fabric laying around from old projects I did. You can find some at your local fabric store or by about a pound on Etsy for about $5-$10 depending on the quality/brand of the fabric. But you really are only going to use about 2-3"x3" squares. And this is what I did.

The first step was to wrap the fabric over one side of the pads and using a simple hand stitch, secured it to the pad. This is just going to add a little bit of comfort and padding to baby's poor little knees.

Then I cut the tube off the socks and to keep it from fraying, I "hemmed" the side I cut.

The next step was to attach the fabric-covered pad to the sock. Again, all of this sewing really requires the simplest of stitches. Whatever you think works best. I also doubled up on the thread just to increase durability. Ta-Da! You've got knee pads for your little one to move about wherever he wants. If only I could create a DIY invisible baby gate to go around the Christmas tree!!!

Hope you have fun saving your baby's knees!!! Stay warm!

P.S. These photos were taken with my awesomely bad camera phone!!!

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